Tuesday 28 February 2012

5 Reasons to Use the Menstrual Cup

Women are known to be smarter and always the ones who avoid wastage but when it comes to the usage of sanitary pads during menstrual cycle, the thought just vanishes! Living a life with all the waste around is not a better option. The main reason for such wastage on a women's part are the disposable pads which a plenty in every month and are bound to create a large amount of wastage regardless of what you try. But changing the idea of using menstrual cup instead of disposable pads is definitely a change for the betterment of the society!
The main five reasons to use the menstrual cups are:
Economical- the menstrual cup can be used for a period of around ten years, but as per a doctor's advice and personal hygiene even if you change these cups in every one year you still save money comparatively.
Health- when you are using the cup, you would know that the material used is not irritating and can be adjusted for your use. The best part is it does not absorb the moisture from the body like the sanitary pads, it only takes the flow.
Travel issues- since you are using the menstrual cup, you just need to carry one single cup rather than going for all the stock of your sanitary pads. This makes traveling more comfortable without any tensions of throwing the waste or washing of the cloth.
Comfort level- this is one factor where menstrual cups top the list as they do not make you feel damp or uncomfortable as it is torn within the body. The cups can hold more than tampons and result in less inconvenience.
Environment - the best part here is that with these cups the problem of throwing away the waste and spoiling the environment dose not stand as a problem. And the products used in these cups like silicon are available in plenty, so it does not deplete any resources.
All such things if considered it makes the menstrual cup the most effective and useful product. It is way to end the wastage or discomfort that is mostly caused by other products. It isn't easy to have all such features in just one product but with this new menstrual cup coming into existence, the issues regarding environments or may it be comfort issues can be easily resolved.
Pinky Mishra is a Health adviser. For more tips on feminine hygiene and organic cloth menstrual pads visit her website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pinky_S._Mishra

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4818146

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